about Dominique

Embodiment coach & Human design Specialist

Hey there, new friend! I’m Dominique, and I know firsthand how conditioning and limiting beliefs can keep you from living the life you were meant to live.

For over 30 years, I kept my childhood struggles a secret from almost everyone in my life. But after years of running from my past, I didn’t feel any closer to the future I wanted. Instead, I just felt stuck.

I knew I needed a change.

So I found a life coach, and for the first time in a long time, I felt hope. I realized that I didn’t have to go through the journey of deconditioning and healing from my past alone. I had someone who had walked the path before to gently guide me forward. I had someone to help me get unstuck.

I had also, coincidentally, found my life’s purpose.

As a trauma-informed Embodiment Coach and Human Design Specialist, I teach you how to heal yourself — mind, body, nervous system, and soul.

how it started

I was the teacher who became the student.

I still remember the day one of my long-time physical therapy patients pulled me aside to thank me for helping her heal, not just physically, but emotionally.

She looked at me with gratitude and said, “You would make an amazing life coach.”

I’d felt drawn to life coaching for years, but it was always a “one-day” goal. One day I’ll be good enough. One day I’ll be inspiring enough. One day I’ll be worthy.

My whole life, I’d always been a person who thought and planned and waited for the “right” moment. But that night, I wrote my client’s words in my journal and signed up for a life coaching certification program. I listened to my intuition instead of my self-doubt.

And that’s when everything changed.

Professional headshot of female life and trauma coach


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Dominique Woodward is a trauma coach for women

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WHen you work with me…

  • My clients always tell me that I feel like an old friend. That’s probably because I’m an open book, and making connections comes naturally to me. As an embodiment coach for women, I want to create a safe space where you feel like I’m your biggest supporter, right off the bat. Because, really, truly, I am.

  • I strongly believe healing doesn’t always need to be so serious. Yes, the healing process can be emotional and challenging, but it can also be exciting and fun! When you can laugh with someone who sees and understands you, it lessens the burden and can bring much-needed perspective.

  • As your embodiment coach, my goal is to help you connect to your own intuition, so you can find the answers within. I won’t tell you what to do, but I will ask you the deep, thought-provoking questions that help you find your answer and give you the tools to trust. You are the hero of your journey. Only you know your path.

  • The major transformation won’t happen when we’re sitting together talking, questioning, and uncovering. It will happen when you’re out there living, putting your tools to the test. My embodiment coaching programs provide space for independence, so you can be your own best teacher and integrate what you know.

Get to know dominique


I can’t live without…

Animals! Specifically Lola, my French bulldog. Our morning snuggles are the best part of my day!


Favorite place I’ve been…

South Africa. That’s the first time I saw an elephant in its natural habitat, and let me tell you: I cried. All. Day. Long. I would relive this day over and over if I could!

A life coach smiles on a pier in Maine


People assume I’m…

An extrovert! My friends and family say it’s because I can talk to anyone. Little do they know I’m a big introvert, and I just love to listen! 

Your Time is Now

Do I sound like the right person to walk beside you?

Let’s do the deep work together!